KPI's for the Year 2024-25

S.No. Key Performance Indicators Target/Target Date
1. Generation of Electricity during the year 2024-25 5306 MU
2. Availability of Machines 82.5%
3 Breakdown Losses to be lowered down to Within 3.5%
4 RMU (Renovation Modernization and Upgradation)
- a).Dhalipur Power House 3.5%
- b).Chilla Power House 10.0%
- c). Dhakrani Power House 12.0%
5 Projects: - Under construction /Planning Physical Progress Financial Progress Completion/Commissioning/Remarks
(1). Construction of Lakwar Project 300 MW 10% 12% Tentative target for the F.Y. 2024-25 has been prepared subject to release of GFC drawings for different structures & decision of shear zone treatment and start of work simultaneously on multiple fronts.
(2). Construction of Tiuni Plasu Project 72 MW 8.0% 3.0% Environmental & Forest land approval cases are in the advance stage. Tender has been floated for Civil works. Target is subject to approval of statutory learances, essentially required to start construction.
(3). Construction of SirkariBhyol Rupsiabagar Project 120 MW 5% 3% Tender for main works of SBR Project are to be invited soon. Implementation of project & associated progress is subject to Environmental Clearance, Forest Clearance and approval from PIB, GoU.
(4). Construction of Arakot-Tiuni Project 81 MW 4.0% 0.25% DPR under preparation. Hydrology is approved. Remaining work in progress.
(5). Construction of Hanol-Tiuni Project 60 MW 1.0% 0.10% GoU allotted this project to UJVN Ltd on 05.12.2023 for development. DPR preparation process has been initiated.
Construction of SHPs
(i). Madhyamaheshwar 2% 2% Scheduled date of commissioning is May 2024.
(ii). Bhilangana II A 5% 5% Target subjected to approval from GoI for project on Ganga basin.
(iii). Guptkashi 2% 2% Target subjected to approval from GoU on sharing profit/taking up project.
(iv). Swarigad 5% 5% Target is subject to consent by monitoring committee of BSEZ for its implementation.
6. DRIP Works 20% 25% -
7 Pumped storage Project
a. Feasibility studies 100% 100% Completed by July 2024
b. DPR preparation 50% 50% Completed by March 2025
8. Battery Energy Storage System :- DPR 100% 100% Completed by March 2025
9. Green Hydrogen :- DPR 100% 100% Completed by March 2025
10. Hydro Kinetic Turbine :- MoU Signing by July, 2024, Power potential study, Site selection, Module designing & monitoring performance. 25% 25% Completed by March 2025
11 Construction of Solar PV Plants
(i) Construction of 17 MW Solar PV Plants 100% 100% -
(ii) Construction of 29.25 MW Solar PV Plants 50% 50% Target is subject to approval of PPA from UERC.
12. (a). Recruitment 95 - Nos.
(b). Training 2500 - Mandays
(c). Meeting with Trade unions and associations 10 - Nos
13 Finance
(a). Completion of final account. Timely
(b). Monitoring of financial position of Nigam to improve Profit Before Tax (PBT). For this purpose debt-equity ratio and operating margin and other important financial ratio should be presented on a graph while taking the time period since the formation of UJVNL Status to be presented in Board meetings
(c). Co-ordination with GoU for release of equity Timely
(d). Recovery of energy bill payments and pending dues from UPCL/HPSEB. Timely

KPI's for the Year 2023-24

S.No. Key Performance Indicators Target/Target Date
1. Generation of Electricity during the year 2023-24 5346 MU
2. Availability of Machines 82.5%
3 RMU (Renovation Modernization and Upgradation)
- a).Dhalipur Power House 10.75%
- b).Chilla Power House  6%
- c). Dhakrani Power House  8%
4 Breakdown Losses to be lowered down to Within 3.5%
5 Projects: - Under construction /Planning Physical Progress Financial Progress Completion/Commissioning/Remarks
(1). Construction of Lakwar Project 300 MW 6.69% 8.35% The completion date of project is October, 2028.
(2). Construction of Tiuni Plasu Project 72 MW 8% 1% Approval from PIB is likely in May, 2023
(3). Construction of SirkariBhyol Rupsiabagar Project 120 MW 5% 1% Approval from PIB, GoU- March, 2024
Construction of SHPs
(i). Madhyamaheshwar 15.0 MW 6% 6% Schedule date of commissioning December, 2023.
(ii). Bhilangana 2A 24.0 MW 5% 5% Target subjected to approval from revised PIB, GoU.
(iii). Guptkashi SHP 1.5 MW 2.5% 2.5% Target subjected to approval from GoU on sharing of profit
(iv). DRIP Works 40% 37% DRIP Works will be completed by June, 2025.
6. (a). Recruitment 121 - Nos.
(b). Training 2500 - Mandays
(c). Meeting with Trade unions and associations 10 - Nos
7 Finance
(a). Completion of final account. Timely
(b). Monitoring of financial position of Nigam to improve Profit Before Tax (PBT). For this purpose debt-equity ratio and operating margin and other important financial ratio should be presented on a graph while taking the time period since the formation of UJVNL Status to be presented in Board meetings
(c). Co-ordination with GoU for release of equity Timely
(d). Recovery of energy bill payments and pending dues from UPCL/HPSEB. Timely

KPI's for the Year 2022-23

S.No. Key Performance Indicators Target/Target Date
1. Generation of Electricity during the Year 5389 MU
2. Availability of Machines 82%
3 RMU (Renovation Modernization and Upgradation)
- a).Tiloth Power House  5%
- b).Dhalipur Power House 12%
- c).Chilla Power House  8%
- d). Dhakrani Power House  12%
4 Breakdown Losses to be lowered down to 4%
5 Projects Physical Progress Financial Progress Completion with Commissioning
(1). Construction of Vyasi Project 120 MW 1% 1% April 2022
(2). Construction of Lakhwar Project 300 MW 5% 6% Tender Activity September 2022
(3). Construction of Tiuni Plasu Project 5% 1% Approval from PIB GoU March 2023
(4). Construction of SirkariBhyol Rupsiabagar 120 MW 3% 0.5% Approval of DPR March 2023
(5). Construction of SHPs
(i). Madhyamaheshwar 15.0 MW 10% 10% March 2023
(ii). Bhilangana 24.0 MW 10% 7.5% Tender Activity for main works December 2022
(iii). Tankul SHP 12.0 MW Design Finalization March 2023
(iv). DRIP Works 20% 20% March 2023
6. (a). Recruitment 120 - Personnel
(b). Training 2400 - Mandays
(c). Meeting with Trade unions and associations 12 - Nos
7 Implementation of guidelines issued by Government of Uttarakhand regarding Covid-19 100%
8 Finance
(a). Completion of final account. Timely
(b). Monitoring of financial position of Nigam to improve Profit Before Tax (PBT). For this purpose debt-equity ratio and operating margin and other important financial ratio should be presented on a graph while taking the time period since the formation of UJVNL Status to be presented in Board meetings
(c). Co-ordination with GoU for release of equity Timely
(d). Recovery of energy bill payments and pending dues from UPCL/HPSEB. Timely

KPI's for the Year 2021-22

S.No. Key Performance Indicators Target/Target Date
1. Generation of Electricity during the Year 4837 MU
2. Availability of Machines 81%
3. RMU (Renovation Modernization and Upgradation)
a). Tiloth & Dhalipur Power House 19% and 24% respectively
b). Chilla Power House 12%
c). Award for Dhakrani Power House To be awarded & Completion of Reverse Engineering
4. Breakdown Losses to be lowered down to  
5. Projects:- Physical Progress Financial Progress Completion with Commissioning
(a). Construction of Vyasi Project 120 MW 6%/Cumulative 100% 5%/Cumulative 100% October 2021
(b). Revised Environmental Clearance of Lakhwar Project and Inviting NIT(Subject to CCEA approval) Inviting NIT & Completion of onward tender Process March 2022
(c). Construction of SHPs -
(i). Kaliganga –II SHP 4.5 MW 5%/Cumulative 100% 2%/Cumulative 100% September 2021
(ii). Suringad -II SHP 5.0 MW 2%/Cumulative 100% 5%/Cumulative 100% June 2021
(iii). Madhyamaheshwar 15.0 MW 15%/Cumulative 100% 16%/Cumulative 100% March 2022
(iv). Bhilangana 2A 24.0 MW Inviting NIT & Completion of onward tender Process March 2022
(v). Tankul SHP 12.0 MW Design Finalization March 2022
(d). Development of Bagasse based cogen thermal power plant 20% 15% -
6. (a). Recruitment 133 - Personnel
(b). Training 2000 - Mandays
(c). Meeting with Trade unions and associations 10 - Nos
7 Implementation of guidelines issued by Government of Uttarakhand in view of Covid-19 100%
8 Finance
(a). Completion of final account. Timely
(b). Monitoring of financial position of Nigam to improve Profit Before Tax (PBT). For this purpose debt-equity ratio and operating margin and other important financial ratio should be presented on a graph while taking the time period since the formation of UJVNL Status to be presented in Board meetings
(c). Co-ordination with GoU for release of equity Timely
(d). Recovery of energy bill payments and pending dues from UPCL/HPSEB. Timely

KPI's for the Year 2020-21

KPI's for the Year 2019-20

KPI's for the Year 2018-19