  • Current Tender Sets & Notices are available on the official web site of UJVNL
  • There will be a hyper link available on the main page of the web site from where user can directly go to the main page of the “Web Based Tendering”.
  • Structure of the main page of format for Web Based Tendering” is as follows:
    1. Location Wise Searching of Tender Sets. Hyperlinks are provided for each location from where the user by clicking can directly go to the desired place for viewing
    2. Classification Wise Searching of Tenders. Each Classification is hyperlinked and by clicking on the link user can view the “Tender Set” for that particular Classification.
    3. Link to latest 5 NIT is available on the main page itself. By clicking on the link, user can directly view the NIT.
    4. Facility to search NIT.
  • Facility to access the entire “Tender Set” for a particular Tender Issuing Office is available at one place on the Web Page.
  • Before downloading the Tender Document the tenderer will fill on line form. The duly filled and signed Downloading Application Form which is use by the tenderer for downloading the tender document from web site has to accompany the tender at the time of its submission. This “Application Form: is an integral part of tender document. If this application form is not submitted in original (As downloaded) with the tender, it will be summarily rejected.