Tender Categorization

For proper categorization of "Tender Sets" they are Classified and under each Classification they are further subcategorized into Head. Details of Classification & Head are here under:-

Sl.No. Classification Head
1 Electrical & Mechanical 1. Purchase of Store
2. Special/Capital Work
3. O & M Work
4. Annual Maintenance Work Contracts
2 Civil 1. Purchase of Cement
2. Purchase of Store Items
3. Annual M& R Work
4. Special M&R Work
5. Capital Work
3 Consultancy 1. Renovation, Modernization & Uprating
2. Civil
3. Design
4. O & M Work
5. Services
4 Computer & Software 1. Purchase/Upgradation of hardware & Software
2. Web Services
3. Repair
4. Annual Service Contract
5 Administration Work & Purchases 1. Security Services
2. Other Administrative Works
6 Capital Item Purchase 1. Furniture & Fixtures
2. Vehicle
3. Electrical Equipment/Fittings
4. Photostats/Fax Machine
7 Others 1. Cleaning & Sweeping of Power Houses/Offices
2. Cleaning & Sweeping of Residential Colony
3. Hiring of Transport Vehicle